Kaylee Cappuccio

Graduate Student, Chemistry, 2nd year Email Kaylee | Hometown: Amsterdam, NY B.S., Chemistry and Neuroscience, Binghamton University, 2022 Kaylee got her B.S. from Binghamton University where she researched biosensor development and the behavioral effects of high fructose corn syrup consumption …

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Zhe Jiang

Graduate Student, Chemistry, 2nd year Email Zhe | Hometown: Hangzhou, China  B.S., Chemical Biology, Peking University, China Zhe studied total synthesis during his undergraduate period. After graduation, he joined an epigenetic lab to study RNA sequencing. Currently, he started his …

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Girum Erkalo

Graduate Student, Chemistry, 2nd year Email Girum | Hometown: Lancaster, Pennsylvania/ Ethiopia B.S., Chemistry, Millersville University of Pennsylvania Girum is interested in developing new chemical biology tools and using them to study biological mechanisms at the molecular level. Outside the …

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