Steven Bodine

Graduate Student, Chemistry, 6th year Email Steven | Hometown: Chevy Chase, MD B.A., Biochemistry, Middlebury College, 2016 Steven studies the chemistry of quorum sensing and bacterial crosstalk. As part of a 3-person team with two Stevens, he is looking forward …

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Hengyuan Liu

Graduate Student, Chemistry, 6th year Email Hengyuan | Hometown: Tianjin, China B.S., Chemistry and Biology, Tsinghua University, 2018 Hengyuan is interested in studying the effects of PTMs and histone mutations on nucleosome remodeling. As an international student, Hengyuan is learning …

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Esmat Hegazi

Graduate Student, Molecular Biology, 6th year Email Esmat | Hometown: Lincoln, CA B.S., Biology, University of California, Berkeley  Esmat graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in biology. After graduation, she worked in the lab of Brad Bernstein at MGH where …

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