John David (JD) Bagert

Post-Doctoral Researcher Email John | Hometown: born and raised in New Orleans BS from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore JD performed his doctoral work at the California Institute of Technology under the supervision of David Tirrell, where he developed and …

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Robert Thompson

Research Scholar Email Robert | Hometown: Blayney, NSW Australia PhD, University of Sydney, 2014, Chemistry Rob is trying to understand the various roles of chromatin architectural proteins using designer chromatin arrays. Outside of the lab, Rob enjoys perfecting his family’s …

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Stephen (Qian) Xie

Post-Doctoral Researcher Email Stephen | Hometown: Nanjing, China PhD, Iowa State University Stephen finds it cool to understand the code bacteria use for communicating among themselves (quorum sensing signaling) and then hack into their system. You might find Stephen singing …

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Jeffrey Bos

Post-Doctoral Researcher Email Jeffrey | Jeffrey is from the Netherlands and obtained his master and PhD from the University of Groningen under the guidance of Prof. Gerard Roelfes. There he worked on the development and construction of artificial metalloenzymes. In …

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Felix Wojcik

Post-Doctoral Fellow Email Felix Hometown: Wieren, Germany PhD, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, 2014, Chemistry Felix is using designer chromatin to study recently discovered posttranslational marks and their interplay with more traditional histone marks such as ubiquitination, methylation …

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Luis Guerra

Graduate Student Chemistry Email Luis | Hometown: El Paso, TX B.S., Chemistry, California Institute of Technology Luis is a joint student between the Muir and Yang labs in the Princeton Chemistry department. He aims to combine the chemical biology and …

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Lina Feng

Graduate Student, Chemistry Email Lina | Hometown: San Jose, CA B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz Lina is interested in investigating crosstalk interactions between histone post-translational modifications. Since moving to the East Coast, she is still …

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Eva Ge

Graduate Student, Chemistry Email Eva | Hometown: Ithaca, NY B.S., Chemistry, Cornell University Eva is on a quest to prove that histidine is the coolest phosphorylated amino acid, especially when it’s found in histones. (Go Phosphohisti-team!) She grew up in …

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Ana Mostafavi

Lab Manager Email Ana | Hometown: Charlotte, NC BS in Chemistry from UNC-CH, MS in Chemistry from UNCC, Ph.D. in Moleculer Biology from Princeton Univeristy. Ana is developing a tool to increase the number of modifications one can add to …

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Josef Gramespacher

Graduate Student Molecular Biology Email Josef | Home town: Monterey, California B.S. in Microbiology from the University of California Santa Barbara Josef is interested in determining the effect of cancer-associated histone mutations on the installation of PTMs within the chromatin …

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